Friday, June 18, 2010

18 June 2010

Day 14

Doing so great on this diet! I'm down to 175, and feeling very comfortable. I really feel so much better-we've been pretty busy, and active, and the only occasional twinge I have is light headedness from bending over to pull weeds and then standing up straight, but to be honest, that happened before sometimes, too.

I really can't believe how little hunger I have. Eating just 500 calories, that's crazy!

I do really have trouble drinking all the water I'm supposed to. It gets toward the end of the day and I realize I'm very behind, so I start chugging, and then I'm up all night peeing! Argh!

But very happy with the consistent weight loss!! So simple!

Just completed my weight loss chart and have noticed that I lose less on days that I eat my favorite spinach frittata! :( Boo hoo! I just bought a carton of egg whites, too! I guess I can make that a cautionary food (for me) in VLCD.

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