Thursday, April 22, 2010

Wednesday, April 21

Day 1

Am exasperated by my weight! I don't feel like I am a horrible eater! We don't even always have dessert in the house! But it just creeps up and creeps up until I'm feeling really icky again!

Last weekend I spent with Nicole in Seattle. I ate salad for dinner. I ate half a banana before walking Green Lake with Elena on Saturday, so 3 miles. Ate salad for lunch. At baked chicken and pasta salad (and broccoli and sweet potato) for dinner. Ate a whole banana for breakfast, then walked to the U campus Sunday morning-so around 4 miles. Ate a burger for lunch-not outrageous-no fries!

I felt like I'd been at a spa with as much walking and the good food I ate-thought I must have lost 10 pounds! Not so. I GAINED THREE! What in the world!? How completely annoying. So I decided it's time to detox again. Soon it will be hot outside and if I have extra weight I'm just going to be super uncomfortable. BLAGH.

So Day 1 went great-I drank 2 purples and one green, plus juiced at lunch. Then for dinner I had cooked cauliflower with onion, garlic, ginger, turmeric and tomatoes. It was pretty tasty-I just don't think I can do the soups very much!

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